Last weekend, my dad, brother, and mom came over to help Joel and I construct the garden. Well, my mom didn't do any digging, she watched Brady....but someone had to do that rough job :) Since the garden is being built into a hill, we dug various holes around the field by our house to fill in the lower part of the hill and create a flat surface area. Then once the wall was built, we found that we actually needed to dig OUT the top of the hill, not fill in the bottom. So we had to haul away the dirt we had worked to bring in plus dig out the top part of the hill. You live, you learn I guess.
The cold weather and rain delayed further progress until late last week when it was finally completely dug out. Next we have to lay down a barrier cloth to keep weeds and walnut tree poison from creeping into the vegetables. The last step before planting is to layer about eight inches of topsoil on the cloth, pack it down, and wait for some warmer (and hopefully less windy!) days to plant. After a mostly gorgeous April, May is turning out to be cold, windy, and rainy. I am hopeful once we get past this week, that will change. Once they are in the ground, I'll have to be sure to cage and stake them accordingly. No wild animals will get to enjoy the fruits of our labor!!
I got my mom one of those upside-down hanging tomato grower things, and I got one for myself as well. Due to limited garden space, the prospect of wild animals, and the walnut poison lurking below, I thought it would be a good idea to at least try this with the tomatoes. I'll let you know how it goes :)
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