I don't understand the football world's fascination with Tim Tebow. I would get it if it were based on his skill, or his ambition, or his success. It's the current obsession fans and commentators seem to have with his faith. Or, I suppose more accurately, their lack of it.
Tim Tebow has never been shy about his beliefs. Is he perfect? No, I'm sure not. But do I believe he is sincere and truly believes what he says he does? I do. I hear so many athletes insincerely thank God for their successes, it is refreshing to see someone appear to genuinely mean it and live it out.
And yet, people complain. They whine. People are all up in arms whenever his arms are up. I don't hear nearly this much commotion about Steeler's Troy Polamalu, who in my opinion is far "showier" in his faith. So what's the big deal with Tebow?
Is it because he's the new golden boy? Fresh blood? People just love to have something to complain about? I mean, in the grand scheme of college/professional athletics, is Tebow REALLY the one we should be complaining about?
What about the druggies who think they are above the law? What about the quarterbacks who cheat on their wives, send explicit photos to random women, beat or harass their latest conquests, take animal cruelty to a new level? The coaches who shower with young boys, or the college players with dollar signs in their eyes much too soon? I have heard far more negative reactions to Tebow's faith than I have over the aforementioned horrors...
And I've certainly had enough of the whining.

I say, shame on all of you critics. You cry for free speech, and in the next breath want to take his away because it doesn't suit you. It's a two-sided coin, my friends, and his actions hurt you not the slightest. Let's begin celebrating not a perfect person, but a far superior young man in his efforts to become great, and the fact that he knows to whom all the glory should be given. I only hope my son(s) pursue their dreams and goals with such gusto, and have the courage to remain steadfast in their faith, even if the world is set on crucifying them for it.
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